Cyber security POLICY Information Management Engineering
A security policy is a document that defines the scope of security needed by the organization, discusses the assets that require protection, and determines the extent to which security solutions should be used to provide the necessary protection. The security policy is an overview and generalization of an organization's security needs. It defines the strategic security objectives, vision, and goals and outlines the organization's security framework. The security policy assigns responsibilities, defines roles, specifies audit requirements, outlines enforcement processes, indicates compliance requirements, and defines acceptable risk levels.
20JUN24 Robert Garlnd
The Global Internet is a miracle of ingenuity, but its dangers are awesomely massive. The Internet is the Wild West, filled with wicked foes formidably pursuing a madness that may destroy humanity's single best hope for peace on Earth—the gifts of mass global communications and knowledge sharing. We must stop the madness, or history may record the miracle of the Internet as humanity's most significant achievement and its greatest downfall!